5 Ways To Beat January Blues

by Marguerite Morgan

5 Ways To Beat January Blues

Beat those January Blues When Heading Back To Work!

1. De-cluttering:

De-cluttering the office, bedroom, home whatever your environment is when in work or coming home from work. Clearing out your old documents, receipts, letters etc. can also clear your mind! Having a clear mind in work can therefore promote motivation and also get that work driven mentality you held before the Christmas holidays! 

2. Relaxation:

Ease yourself back into work, start off your day with a To-do list, ensuring that all that was needed to be done can be gradually checked off as the week goes on. Again knowing were you are and what needs to be done can also prevent a stress and increase relaxation while working. Remember to always take a break too, even going for a 5 minute walk and increase relaxation and ensure that returning to work is not a stressful ordeal. 

3. Timing:

Being on time is also linked with relaxation. Being on time also provides your mind with a structure and less messy - stressed mentality. Preparation is key, prepare the lunches the night before, set out your clothes, shoes, your bag and anything else that needs to be prepared for work the next day. And most of all, do not snooze your alarm! Jump up the minute the alarm goes off, trust me it is not worth the snooze!

4. Health:

Maintaining your health is also priority, eating, sleeping, exercising. Eating good, sleeping good and exercising regularly immediately makes you feel good!! Thus, ensuring that your health is in tip top shape, means that you are in tip top shape!! 

5: Positivity:

One of the main points, don't let others who are feeling blue after returning to work in January affect your positive mood. Negativity will not help you in getting back to reality, therefore, having a positive mentality and not being around negative people can make you feel good and therefore, have a positive work mentality! You wont get anywhere for being negative!!

And anyway, if you work with Irish Dental Jobs! Working is fun, easy and enjoyable!! And if you are currently looking for work get in contact!! We would love to hear from you!


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