Recent Temp Survey Results:
For those of who are following our weekly blogs or have read last Friday’s blog on the benefits of Temping, we gathered those benefits from a survey we published to all of our past and present temps! It was sent to over one hundred people and over 50% came back to us! The survey had several questions asking our temp team the benefits and the experience with Irish Dental Jobs! For those of you who hate to read long posts, as this week’s post is our survey results we will offer you short bullet points on each statistic! Enjoy!! 100% of respondents are Qualified Dental Nurses! Here are some visuals on comments made by our team on Marguerite and Irish Dental Jobs and Temping!

Why Temp?

What Were the Findings?
- Do the temp assignments match your preferred locations?
- All of the time 36%
- Most of the time 64%
- Do we always provide temp cover on the days that you are available?
- All of the time 24%
- Most of the time 76%
- Never 0%
- How long have you been temping?
- 0-1 yr 40%
- 1-3 yr 40%
- 3-5 yr 8%
- 5+ yr 12%
- Are you qualified in any dental softwares?
- 30% EXACT
- 14% KODAK R4
- 6% Aerona
- 9% Coincidental
- 53% were other software’s such as – Panara, Open Dental, Bridges, Dental4Windows, Dentally, XLCR Clinique, MAC PRACTICE however the above were
- Do you have general and/or specialist experience, please tick the following?
- 14% Ortho
- 14% Endo
- 14%Restorative
- 12% Implants
- 11% Implants
- 9% Other
- 9% Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentistry
- 8% Paedo
- 8% Perio
- 10% also said all of the above
- How would you rate the service provided by Irish Dental Jobs Provide?
- 4% good
- 28% very good
- 68% 5 star
- Would you refer us to your dental colleagues?
What do all these results show me?
To conclude our survey results, it predominantly reveals how highly skilled our team actually is with many different specialities and are trained in many different dental software’s.
For clients – Our team are the best and you would find such highly skilled dental professionals through individual selection. They are specifically picked from the sea of applications we receive every day! They are highly desired by many practices nationwide and our team are hot-property and again you will never find candidates such as ours! The feedback from the survey was also highly positive revealing to you that dealing with us is a seamless process!
For Jobseekers – As you can see from our above Wordles, dealing with Marguerite and the team is a very enjoyable process as many said that their reason for choosing Irish Dental Jobs is simply due to the fact that they enjoy working with Marguerite!! It is also because we put everything into our roles, and assist you prior to employment, during and post-employment, we are with you all the way! You choose your hours, days and location and we will try our very best to accommodate your job preferences!! As you can see from the above stats, the majority of our temp team state that we always place them in their preferred location and also provide them with work opportunities on the days that they are available to work! We are passionate about what we do, and genuinely care for those who come to us! As our motto goes….. “People Matter”